Planning a USA Road Trip With Physical Maps

USA Road Trip photoWhat to pack for a USA road trip? First off, you need to consider whether you want to go to one of the many national parks, or if you want to take a scenic tour through the American wilderness. You’ll find yourself at many different state park and wildlife refuges across the country. There are even some great travel guides that will show you where all of the best wildlife and scenery is located. There are also numerous roadside attractions along your route as well.
USA Road Trip photo

What to pack for a USA road trip with physical maps, such as the Rand McNally National Atlas – because there are going to be several times when your cell phone won’t get any reception! A cooler or refrigerator to store food and drinks. Something to keep the car clean so that you can always stock up on hot beverages. And something to use as a garbage can to keep your vehicle clean. And if you are camping, don’t forget your tent or RV bedding, camping stove and a sleeping bag. Don’t forget your personal items, too – cell phone, MP3 player, camera, extra change, keys, money, and so on.
USA Road Trip photo

Now that you know what to pack, you should also have a good idea of where to go when you’re on the physical maps and have physical maps with you. This will make it much easier to plan your journey. But don’t be discouraged by the size of your group. There are some amazing national parks and wildlife refuges that can fit a small family. Just make sure that you’ve checked in with your local authorities to find out where the restrooms are.